Sunday, December 30, 2007

Irabo Pots

These are all brushed on the bottom, dipped at the top with Hamada's Irabo glaze.

Hamada's Irabo
Wood Ash 4
Amakusa (Arita porcelain Stone) 1.5
Odo/Ocher 2

You can see the Mashiko Kaki liner in this one.

This is over Ko-shigaraki Hosome Clay
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dark jewel said...

Hello Lee,
Do you have any other journals that are easier to subscribe to?
For example,like Livejournal?
I think your work is Fabulous!
I hope I can get to know you better over time. My main blog is slysidonia on Live Lournal where i talk about my art projects and pottery.

Togeika said...

Hi Dark Jewel I am on facebook as togeika.